User names and passwords are created for agencies, customs commissioners and shippers in order to access our terminal operating system and they are provided with an instruction file to guide them through the system.
* Agencies: They can transfer discharge / loadlists of the vessels that are defined for them, define the name of the transportation company who will be moving empty containers outside the terminal and also take container reports from the system.
* Customs Commissioners: They can define the name of the transportation company who will be moving full containers outside the terminal, take weighbridge reports and check status of their containers and pull container reports from the system depending on the provided authorization given to them.
* Transportation Companies: They can record truck plates to the BRF's defined to them and take weighbridge reports from the system.
You can reach our Container Portal from http://web.limakports.com.tr address and you can send e-mail to musterihizmetleri@limakports.
You can reach our General Cargo Portal from http://gc.limakports.com.tr address and you can send e-mail to musterihizmetleri@limakports.